Encore Entrepreneurs

Come In We're Open

Someone, somewhere, has coined older entrepreneurs as “Encore Entrepreneurs,” has a ring to it don’t you think? Lately there have been many discussions and quite a bit of press about this phenomenon, from the Boston Globe, to The Guardian, to the BBC. The U.S. Small Business Administration even has a site dedicated to it. A 2011 study by Encore.org and Metlife showed that 9 million people, or 9 percent of all those ages 44 to 70, are in encore careers and no less than 31 million Americans ages 44 to 77 are interested in pursuing encore careers. What is the reason behind it, why are Boomers not retiring, but instead starting a Second Act. Got me to thinking that we would love to hear your story and to feature it in Our USA.

How about you? Are you a Boomer and have started, or are thinking about starting a business? Have you discovered something that you are truly passionate about or has it always been there but put on the back burner? The article would be you simply talking about how you came to start your business. Was it a life-long passion, or were you feeling vulnerable because of the economy? What kind of start up costs were involved - not only financially but emotionally as well. How have you used your experience and connections to get going? Include what the experience has been like – your hits and misses. Give five tips you would recommend for someone wanting to start a second-act career.

Rick Warren, author of “A Purpose Driven Life” has said:

“In retirement, what we have to ask is ‘What’s going to be the center of my life?’ Because, if you don’t have a solid center, it’s going to fall apart. Then ask ‘Who are going to be my life companions; who will be my associates, my circle of influence; what is going to be the character of my life; how am I going to keep growing? How can I give back to the world or make the world a better place in my final years?’ Focus on your ministry and your mission.” Many times your second-act becomes your mission and your ministry, we’d like to hear yours.

Several years ago I had the privilege of meeting Tory Johnson (small business expert, GMA contributor and author of The Shift) at an event she was hosting. I was honored to be asked to write something similar about my experience for her online e-magazine. You can read my story, beginning on page 12, here.

If interested in contributing your story, please go to our Submissions page on this blog, we would love to hear from you!



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